Greetings to all in the Love of Jesus Christ:
“When I say ‘UNO,’ you say ‘TOGETHER! “UNO.” “TOGETHER!”
“When I say ‘ONE,’ you say ‘JUNTOS!’” “ONE.” “JUNTOS!”
So began Rev. Pedro Ramos-Goycolea in his welcome to our Regional Gathering last month. Juntos brought be such joy – it was the first time in my nearly 2.5 years at your Regional Minister that I’ve been able to plan and celebrate an event together. Thanks be to God for the celebration we had together.
The energy from the Regional Gathering continues to spread, and I am excited about things on the horizon. As you’ll read in this EAZ Newsletter, we are now registering for a Regional Children’s Event that will take place at the Glendale Mission and Ministry Center on Saturday, February 26. We will soon be registering for church camp (more on that below) and are working on another major summer event for youth. Look for information about that and other opportunities next month. We are also gearing up for our Regional Assembly which will be held in Scottsdale on November 4-5. Our theme is “Prophetic Unity/Unidad Profética,” we have three guest speakers coming to Arizona, and we expect to have a fabulous experience. Please put the dates on your calendar and plan to join us.
As mentioned above, summer church camp is BACK – but with a twist. Arizona will be partnering with the Pacific Southwest Region (PSWR) to provide church camp this summer to all children ages 3 through 12th grade (dates for each age group are listed below). Camp will be held at the beautiful campground of Loch Leven in the mountains east of Los Angeles. The drive will be a little further than going to Prescott (it is about 4.5 hours from Phoenix and 6.5 from Tucson), but this partnership will allow our campers to be in a new setting with larger groups of fellow campers. We will evaluate the experience after this summer to see if this partnership is something we want to continue in the future.
I am so excited that we are beginning to be able to plan meaningful in-person events again and pray that all can move forward in safe, healthy, and joyful ways.
Uno! Together! One! Juntos! Dios les bendiga! God bless you all!
Pastor Jay
Regional Minister and President, Christian Church in Arizona
We invite you to pray for the following congregations in the coming months. Visit our Regional Calendar of Weekly Prayers for our annual list.
20 Foothills Christian Church (Glendale) led by Pastor Bekah Krevens
27 Week of Compassion efforts around the world (Week of Compassion Special Offering)
6 First Christian Church (Tucson) led by Pastor Ailsa Guardiola Gonzales
13 East Mesa Christian Church (Mesa)
20 Templo Cristiano Central (Phoenix) led by Pastor Job Cobos
27 Community Christian Church (Marana) led by Pastor Dave Hedgepeth