Following my trip to Belfast, Northern Ireland in May, this summer has continued to be filled with travel, including trips to Kansas City for the Obra Hispana assembly; Flagstaff for Foothills Family Camp; Loch Leven Campground in California for summer church camp; Wichita to preach at the Kansas Regional Assembly; Bethany, West Virginia for the College of Regional Ministers and Forum of Regional Moderators retreat; as well as some vacation time in Maine, New York, the mountains in Arizona.
The trip in July marked my first ever visit to Bethany College and the home of Alexander Campbell. In addition to being the alma mater of Rev. Rebekah Krevens, pastor at Foothills Christian Church in Phoenix, Bethany College now hosts the Disciples of Christ Historical Society. Our Regional Moderator-Elect, Kerry Swindle from Saguaro Christian Church in Tucson, joined me on the trip. We got a tour of the Campbell Mansion, the Campbell cemetery, the Historical Society, the Old Meetinghouse, Bethany Christian Church, and the Bethany College campus. It was a joy to connect to these historical sites of Disciples origins.
As many of you know, Alexander Campbell was one of the most prominent leaders of the movement that became the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). He founded Bethany College, a testament to our emphasis on the importance of education. Campbell wrote journals and was frequently known to hold public debates with other ministers on points of faith. I am grateful for Campbell’s emphasis on education. As I’ve often heard people say, the Disciples are a movement that doesn’t ask you to “check your brain at the door” when you enter the sanctuary. Faith and reason, faith seeking understanding, deep study of the Bible are all very important to us.
Speaking of education, we have 10 great workshops lined up for you to choose from at our upcoming Regional Assembly: October 25-26 in Tucson. To register, click here. We are excited to be with you “In the Name of Heaven/En El Nombre del Cielo.”
Dios les bendiga!
Pastor Jay
Regional Minister and President, Christian Church in Arizona