October 25 & 26 at First Christian Church in Tucson
(740 East Speedway Boulevard)
Regional Assembly
Early bird pre-registration will be open until October 1. All who pre-register before October 1 and attend assembly will receive a free Assembly t-shirt, designed by an Arizona Disciples, and a free printed docket and Assembly report.
Registration will remain open after October 1 however we will not be able to guarantee that there will be a Saturday lunch meal available.
The weekend of Assembly is also Family Weekend at the University of Arizona, whose campus resides right next to our gracious host, First Christian Church in Tucson. This means that hotels close to the Assembly might be difficult to find. However, we have secured a block of rooms at the Viscount Suites a short drive away. Use the link below to book your hotel stay as soon as possible!
You are of course welcome to choose a different hotel. We encourage you to do so as soon as possible.
Click here to book your hotel stay at Viscount Suites.
An Experiment
The Regional Assembly Planning Team is excited to announce that this year Assembly Registration will be offered for FREE to all participants. This is an experiment and after assembly we will evaluate its effectiveness.
Despite keeping registration fees low in recent years, it costs around $100 per attendee to hold Regional Assembly. These expenses include inspiring and dynamic preachers from across the Church, multiple workshops, compelling pre-events, catered lunch, t-shirts, and so much more.
The registration form includes an invitation to give to our Regional Assembly Fund which is what allows us to fund Regional Assembly. Please consider a generous donation enabling us to continue gathering together as Arizona Disciples.
- A gift of any amount is appreciated!
- A gift of $40 covers what you would have paid in the past for a single registration.
- A gift of $100 covers the total cost of a single registration.
- A gift of over $100 covers the costs of your registration and more for others who are unable to give.
Not attending but would like to give a gift to the Regional Assembly Fund? Click here to give a donation. Choose “Regional Assembly Fund” in the fund dropdown list. We are thankful for your generosity!
Registration – Registro
Guest Preachers
Rev. Dr. Frank Thomas
Frank A. Thomas, PHD, currently serves as the Director of the new Compelling Preaching Initiative and the Nettie Sweeney and Hugh Th. Miller Professor of Homiletics at Christian Theological Seminary, Indianapolis, Indiana. The Compelling Preaching Initiative is an outgrowth of the PhD Program in African American Preaching and Sacred Rhetoric founded by Thomas. According to Thomas, the mission of both these programs is “to teach and develop the beauty, the depth, the genius, the history, and the power of African-American preaching in order to ignite a preaching renaissance to revive American Christianity in the twenty-first century.” He continues to teach, mentor, and advise PhD students.
For many years, Thomas has also taught preaching to Doctoral and Master level students at McCormick Theological Seminary in Chicago, Illinois; Memphis Theological Seminary in Memphis, Tennessee; and United Theological Seminary of Dayton, Ohio. He is the CEO of Hope For Life International, Inc., which formerly published The African American Pulpit. Thomas also served as a former member of the International Board of Societas Homiletica, an international society of teachers of preaching and as former President of the American Academy of Homiletics.
Thomas served with distinction as the senior pastor for two remarkable congregations: New Faith Baptist Church of Matteson, Illinois; and Mississippi Boulevard Christian Church of Memphis, Tennessee, for eighteen years and thirteen years, respectively.
Thomas has spent a lifetime practicing, studying, teaching, and writing about preaching. His first book, They Like to Never Quit Praisin’ God: The Role of Celebration In Preaching was first published in 1997 and then revised, updated, and released in August 2013. To complement this classic preaching book, Thomas published, in 2014, Preaching as Celebration Digital Lecture Series and Workbook. He is also a nationally and internationally sought-after keynote speaker, preacher, and lecturer.
Thomas’ many publications include: The God of the Dangerous Sermon, Surviving a Dangerous Sermon, How to Preach a Dangerous Sermon, and Introduction to the Practice of African American Preaching, released by Abingdon Press. He also co-edited Preaching With Sacred Fire: An Anthology of African American Sermons 1750 to the Presentwith Martha Simmons, published by W. W. Norton & Company in 2010. This critically acclaimed book offers a rare view of the unheralded role of the African American preacher in American history. Thomas is also the author of several other books on subjects from matters of prayer to spiritual maturity.
Thomas holds a PhD in Communications (Rhetoric) from the University of Memphis; a Doctor of Divinity from Christian Theological Seminary and United Theological Seminary; Doctor of Ministry degrees from Chicago Theological Seminary and United Theological Seminary; a Master of Divinity from Chicago Theological Seminary; and a Master of Arts in African-Caribbean Studies from Northeastern Illinois University.
Thomas and his wife Joyce Scott Thomas have two adult children, Anthony William and Rachel Dickerson (Milton) and one granddaughter, August Elise Dickerson.
Rev. Dr. José Francisco Morales Torres
José Francisco Morales Torres (Doctor en Teología Comparada y Filosofía, Claremont School of Theology) es Profesor Adjunto de Estudios Latinx y Religión en el Seminario Teológico de Chicago. Como teólogo histórico y comparativo, su enfoque es completamente interdisciplinar, entrelazando la teología comparada, la historia del pensamiento religioso y la filosofía (especialmente las filosofías de la raza, la etnia y la cultura). Su libro más reciente, Wonder as a New Starting Point for Theological Anthropology: Opened by the World (Lexington Books, 2023), propone una nueva antropología teológica informada por la experiencia del asombro.
José Francisco Morales Torres (Ph.D. in Comparative Theology and Philosophy, Claremont School of Theology) is Adjunct Professor of Latinx Studies and Religion at Chicago Theological Seminary. As a historical and comparative theologian, his approach is completely interdisciplinary, interweaving comparative theology, the history of religious thought, and philosophy (especially philosophies of race, ethnicity, and culture). His most recent book, Wonder as a New Starting Point for Theological Anthropology: Opened by the World (Lexington Books, 2023), proposes a new theological anthropology informed by the experience of wonder.
Report and Docket
This Assembly the Arizona Region and our generous partners are excited to offer the 2024 Assembly Report and Docket! If you registered prior to October 1 you will receive a printed version when you check in at assembly.
This booklet includes information about the wonderful work of Arizona Disciples over the last several years, as well as important information about the Assembly including a schedule, our worship services, business, and more! We are also linking a digital copy here. Click this link or the picture above to access the digital version of the docket.
Friday, October 25
9:00am – 4:00pm | Optional Pre-event Disciples At The Border: Expanding The Table, Breaking Down Walls.
Experience the transformative impact of collaborative ministry as local congregations, the Region, and the General Church unite in service at the border. Engage in an interactive journey that offers a taste of the Caminantes Border Immersion and invites you to the table to hear compelling stories of compassionate hospitality and powerful insights from Week of Compassion in this response to the migrant crisis. Sponsored by Comunidad Limen, First Christian Church Tucson, the Christian Church in Arizona, and Week of Compassion, this event is an opportunity to see the strength of our community in action and the heart of our shared mission.
09:00 – 10:30 am Visit to San Xavier Mission
10:30 – 11:00 am Return to FCC
11:00 – 12:30 pm Workshop: “Borders, Colonialism, and Mis-Identity
12:30 – 01:30 pm Lunch/Music
01:30 – 02:00 pm Week of Compassion
02:00 – 02:30 pm Rev. Ailsa Guardiola Gonzalez – FCC Hospitality Center
02:30 – 03:00 pm Rev. Pedro Ramos Goycolea – Caminantes Border Immersion
03:00 – 04:00 pm Celebration of ADBI Ministry – Year 1
**Water bottles and sun protection are recommended.
Registration required. Sign up while registering for Assembly!
6:45-7:15pm | Check in and Registration
At check in you will receive your name tag, and if you registered before October 1 your t-shirt and printed docket and report. Check in will close at 7:15pm sharp to allow volunteers to join our Opening Worship Service
7:30-9:00pm | Opening Worship Service
with Guest Preacher Rev. Dr. Frank Thomas
9:00 – 10:00pm | Reception
Saturday, October 26
7:30-8:45am | Check-in and Registration
At check in you will receive your name tag, and if you registered before October 1 your t-shirt and printed docket and report. Check in will close at 8:45am sharp to allow volunteers to join our morning keynote session with Rev. Dr. Frank Thomas.
7:30-8:45am | Clergy and Guest Breakfast (registration required)
9:00 – 10:00am | Morning Keynote Session with Rev. Dr. Frank Thomas.
10:15 – 11:15am | Workshop Session 1
(view workshops on this page, or as part of your registration.)
11:15am – 12:45pm | Lunch onsite
12:45 – 1:45pm | Workshop Session 2
(view workshops on this page, or as part of your registration.)
2:00 – 2:45pm | Business and State of the Church
3:00 – 4:30pm | Closing Worship Service
with Guest Preacher Rev. Dr. José Morales
At Regional Assembly you and your congregation can learn from a variety of dynamic leaders. We’ve gathered leaders from around the Region and the Church to share their thoughts and experiences of hospitality. On your Registration form you will be able to register for two workshops, one in each session. Read about them below.
Session 1
Hard to Believe: The Gift of Doubt in the Struggle of Faith
Led by Rev. Dr. José Morales
(click Guest Preachers to read more about Rev. Dr. José Morales)
It is assumed that doubt is the opposite of faith. What if the opposite—the enemy—of faith is something else? And what if doubt is needed to grow in faith? This talk explores what can be called “a theology of doubt.”
Discover the Impact of Global Ministries!
Led by Minister Cynthia Newman, Acting Director of Strategic Engagement and Assistant Vice President at Disciples Overseas Ministries/Global Ministries
Did you know that you’re a part of something world-changing right now? The way we do missions has evolved, and you’re at the heart of it. Join us and experience the world through the eyes of Global Ministries. See firsthand how your connection with Disciples of Christ is transforming lives across the globe. Whether near or far, your influence is felt—come, be inspired, and discover how you’re making a difference now and what you can do to impact the future!
Let’s Break The Piñata (in English)
Led by Rev. Pedro Ramos-Goycolea, Pastor at Comunidad Limen Christian Church
This workshop is about a new understanding and appreciation of the theological impact that traditions within Hispanic culture can have on today’s church. Could cultural traditions help revitalize our churches? Come and Find Out.
Heat Relief, sponsored by Arizona Faith Network
Led by Rev. Katie Sexton, Executive Director of Arizona Faith Network, Community Christian Church in Tempe, Dios de Segundo Oportunidad, and Larkspur Christian Church
Extreme heat kills more people each year than most other natural disasters combined. The number of people exposed to extreme heat rises every year with accelerating urbanization and climate change. Among the places in the United States most vulnerable to extreme heat is Maricopa County, Arizona. This workshop will talk about the work of Arizona Faith Network and partners in providing essential heat relief cooling centers in Maricopa county.
Children’s Worship and Wonder Introduction*
Dr. Pat Barton, Children’s Worship & Wonder Trainer and Chalice CC Member
This workshop will introduce attendees to the Children’s Worship and Wonder, a way that invites all people to grow in love for God and one another. Incorporating many different learning styles, Worship & Wonder uses a multi-sensory approach of storytelling as a primary means for encountering God, so God is experienced, not just learned about. This approach enables all generations, together, to bring their lived experiences into dialogue with God in the biblical stories and to share these experiences with others.
*This session is required to take the session 2 offering, Children’s Worship and Wonder Experience
Session 2
How to be Hospitable in Preaching?: Including vs Excluding
Led by Rev. Dr. Frank Thomas
(click Guest Preachers to read more about Rev. Dr. Frank Thomas)
This workshop will focus on practical steps to include vs exclude, in hopes of allowing the Gospel to make a clear call to a person’s life. Dr. Thomas, with over 30 years of pastoral service, will cover the many mistakes he has made that unwittingly excluded people and how he learned to more inclusive.
Hospitality as a Measure of Thriving
Rev. Dr. Erin Cash, Project Director, Thriving Congregations Lexington Theological Seminary
This workshop will explore the ways hospitality is a leading indicator of thriving. We will explore the practical ways that hospitality can become one of your church’s priorities; we will also look at some common mistakes churches make! Come prepared to discuss what compassionate hospitality looks like in the thriving church.
Yo Lo Quiero Es Romper La Piñata (en Español)
Led by Rev. Pedro Ramos-Goycolea, Pastor at Comunidad Limen Christian Church
Este taller se trata de un nuevo entendimiento y apreciación del impacto teológico que las tradiciones de la cultura Hispana tienen en la iglesia de hoy. ¿Podrán las tradiciones culturales ayudarnos a renovar nuestras iglesias? Ven y descúbrelo.
Hospitality in the Borderland: Why we need it; How we do it.
Led by the Arizona Disciples Border Initiative (ADBI) Team
Hospitality comes in many forms. Hear the journey of two churches offering compassionate hospitality to sojourners seeking refuge and to those within our US context seeking greater understanding of the border as well as why these ministries matter today.
Children’s Worship and Wonder Experience
Dr. Pat Barton, Children’s Worship & Wonder Trainer and Chalice CC Member
Children are welcome to come and experience Worship and Wonder while parents and adults are invited to watch quietly. This is designed to give adults a practical example of the Children’s Worship and Wonder experience after the introduction in session 1.
Nursery, Children, and Youth at Assembly
Nursery at Assembly
Nursery will be available for pre-k children Friday 7:15-9:15pm and Saturday 8:45am – 4:45pm. Please pack and bring any snacks and lunch that your child(ren) will need.
Children at Assembly
Children are welcome at both the Friday and Saturday worship services.
On Saturday during the assembly children from kindergarten through 6th grade are invited to join in the children’s program led by Dr. Pat Barton, Laura Marin, and Jeanne Thompson.
Children will join with their parents for lunch (11:15am – 12:45pm) and will participate in the Children’s Worship and Wonder Workshop, led by Dr. Pat Barton, during the 2nd workshop session.
Youth at Assembly
Youth are welcome at both the Friday and Saturday worship services.
On Saturday youth will attend the morning session with Rev. Dr. Frank Thomas, the workshop led by Rev. Pedro Ramos-Goycolea during workshop session 1, and eat lunch with their parents. After lunch they will break off and have their own sessions during the 2nd workshop session and the business session. The youth will be led by Cynthia Peña and Pricilla Vargas, and will also hear from Rev. Jack Veatch and Lindsey Jacobs of Chapman University.
Business at Assembly
Resolutions are business items presented for the consideration of the gathered assembly. Clergy with standing and Delegates, submitted by congregations before the assembly, will decide to either adopt, or not adopt the resolution by vote.
During our business session a time of discussion will be opened up. We will first hear from a representative from the group submitting the resolution. They will talk about the reasons for the resolution, and why they would like the assembly to adopt the resolution.
Then, if others wish to speak in favor of, or in opposition to, the resolution they will line up behind the available microphone and will speak in alternating order. Each person will have an announced, pre-determined time limit.
At the end of the scheduled discussion time, the assembly will will vote for, or against. A simple majority is required for adoption.
(An Emergency Sense-of-the-Assembly Resolution)
WHEREAS, the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) affirms the inherent worth and dignity of all people, created in the image of God, and called to live in mutual love and respect; and
WHEREAS, the teachings of Jesus Christ call us to love our neighbors as ourselves, to welcome the stranger, and to seek justice for the oppressed; and
WHEREAS, Christian Nationalism promotes a distorted interpretation of Christianity that seeks to merge national identity with a particular racial and religious identity, often resulting in the exclusion, marginalization, and harm of people of color, non-Christians, immigrants, and other vulnerable communities; and
WHEREAS, Christian Nationalism is contrary to the inclusive and reconciling nature of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, which transcends all human-made boundaries of race, ethnicity, nationality, and creed; and
WHEREAS, the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Arizona, as part of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) adopted Sense-of-the-Assembly Resolution GA-2341 which says, “The Church in all its expressions commits to educating ourselves and our constituencies about the societal and spiritual dangers of Christian Nationalism, how to talk about Christian Nationalism theologically, and how to counter it in both ecclesial and public life.”
WHEREAS Sense-of-the-Assembly Resolution GA-2341 also: “…calls on its leaders and members to take every possible opportunity to speak out and act boldly against Christian Nationalism, ensuring that the love of God known to us in Jesus Christ may not be distorted by this ugly and false appropriation of our faith, but proclaimed with generosity and grace to all peoples, from our doorsteps to the ends of the earth.”
WHEREAS we have been called by the General Church “…to prayerfully discern, confess, and repent of our own complicity with Christian Nationalism“;
WHEREAS the recent threatening rhetoric of political leaders and the major polarizing election cycle before us, makes it critical at this specific time, for us to name publicly, that our actions and reactions must adhere to the vision and call of Christ in opposition to actions and reactions adhering to political leanings.
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the Region of Arizona unequivocally condemns Christian Nationalism as a heretical distortion of the Christian faith and a threat to the unity and justice to which Christ calls us; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that we, as Arizona Disciples, in all our expressions, commit ourselves to educating our congregations about the dangers of Christian Nationalism, promoting theological teachings that emphasize the inclusivity and justice central to the Gospel; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that we, as Arizona Disciples, in all our expressions, actively support and partner with organizations and movements that work to dismantle systems of white supremacy and promote racial justice, equity, and reconciliation; and
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that we, as a Region and as Arizona Disciples, will denounce Christian Nationalism and seek to embody the beloved community, where all people, regardless of race, ethnicity, nationality, or religion, are welcomed, valued, and treated with dignity, as we strive to live out the reconciling love of Christ in our world.
Arizona Regional Anti-Racism/Pro-Reconciliation (ARPR) Ministry Team
Community Christian Church, Tempe
Comunidad Limen Christian Church, Tucson
First Christian Church, Tucson
Rev. Trish Winters
Rev. Pedro Ramos-Goycolea
Rev. Dr. James Sterling
Rev. Brett Winters
Rev. Jay Deskins
Rev. Terry Steeden
Rev. Allen Cunningham
Rev. Katie Sexton
Pastor Tawni Garcia
Pastor Arturo Laguna
Rev. Kenneth Stamper
Pastor Janett Laguna
Rev. Ailsa Guardiola González
Rev. Chad Boseker
Rev. Kevin Prahar
General Assembly (Sense of the Assembly) Resolution GA-2341 CALLING THE CHURCH TO OPPOSE CHRISTIAN NATIONALISM
Link: https://ga.disciples.org/resolutions/2023/ga-2341/
Presented at the 2023 General Assembly of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the United States and Canada, this resolution calling for the church to oppose Christian Nationalism was adopted. The resolution includes background information which helps to define the term Christian Nationalism and provides resources for additional reflection.
The Administrative Council of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Arizona recommends that the Regional Assembly ADOPT RA-2501
Elected officers and at-large members of the Administrative Council and Mission Focus Team are elected by the gathered assembly. Before the assembly, a nominations team is chosen according to our by-laws. This team, guided by our by-laws, puts forward a slate of nominees to be conserved by the assembly. This slate is either adopted, or rejected, as a whole.
Nominations: The Nominations Team is excited to present to the Regional Assembly the following slate of Officers and At-Large members of the Administrative Council and Mission Focus Team. During our business session all clergy and voting delegates will be able to vote
Moderator: Kerry Swindle – Saguaro Christian Church
Vice-Moderator: Rev. Martin Tapia – Casa de Adoración
Treasurer: Dulce Guzman – Dios de Segunda Oportunidad
Corporate Secretary: Keeley Bruner – Community Christian Church, Tempe
At-Large Members
Rosy Cunninham – Desert Dove Christian Church
Lynn Allen – Foothills Christian Church
Karen Nye – Community Christian Church
Jessica Gil – Alfa y Omega
Rev. Chad Boseker – First Christian Church
Our At-Large members will serve on both Administrative Council and Mission Focus Team. Our Administrative Council also includes the Moderator of the Arizona Convención, and our Mission Focus Team also includes chairs and co-chairs of all Regional Ministries.
In June of this year our Nominations team gathered as instructed by our by-laws. This team included members from our Administrative Council, Mission Focus Team, and 11 congregations. The team included clergy, laity, men, women, convención members, as well as members from Phoenix and Tucson area congregations.
Voting at Assembly
Congregational Delegates: In accordance with the Bylaws of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Arizona, below is a listing of the number of voting delegates for each charter congregation in the Arizona Region.
7 Chalice Christian Church
9 Community Christian Church in Marana
7 Community Christian Church in Tempe
7 Desert Dove Christian Church
7 Desert Heritage Church
7 East Mesa Christian Church
7 First Christian Church, Globe
7 First Christian Church, Mesa
9 First Christian Church, Scottsdale
7 First Christian Church, Tucson
11 Foothills Christian Church
7 Iglesia Cristiana Alfa y Omega
7 Iglesia Dios de Segunda Oportunidad
7 Larkspur Christian Church
9 Saguaro Christian Church
7 Sun City Christian Church
7 Templo Cristiano Central
Church pastors or offices must identify their chosen delegates to the Regional Office prior to the Regional Assembly. Shortly after October 1 all congregational pastors and church offices received a list of those registered and were asked to email back a list of official delegates to the Regional Office.
Clergy: in addition to congregational delegates, all Ordained and Commissioned Disciples Ministers with standing in Arizona receive voting privileges.
Current Members of Administrative Council and Mission Focus Team also receive voting privileges by virtue of their position, and are in addition to congregational delegates at their congregation.
Information for Church Offices
Promotional Timeline and Materials
We are excited about Regional Assembly and want to invite your congregation to be excited too! Over the course of the last four Sundays in September we hope that church pastors, offices, and leadership will share Regional Assembly promotional items below. Regional Assembly registration is free this year (details in the registration form) so we are looking forward to a lot of Arizona Disciples gathered together on October 25 & 26.
In the lead up to Assembly, church pastors and offices will receive additional promotional materials, print and digital, to help your congregation get excited for Assembly and promote Registration.
This Assembly we are hoping to move to entirely digital registration. This is an effort to help us reduce labor in church offices, for Regional staff, and cut down on costs and environmental impact of printing. If there is a need for a paper registration form, please contact Matthew Clark (mclark@azdisciples.org) at the Regional office.
Social Media Graphics
Guest Preachers
Printable Flyers
Promotional Videos
Click here to download Regional Assembly Promotional Video 1.
Haga clic para descargar el Vídeo Promocional Regional 1 en español.
2024 Regional Assembly Timeline
Mid-March – Congregations are notified of their number of voting delegates and are invited to submit nominations for the Regional Board (Administrative Council and Mission Focus) and resolutions of importance for the church.
April 15 – All nominations for the Regional Board (Administrative Council and Mission Focus) and Congregational Representatives are received at the Regional Office no later than 4:00 p.m..
A Nominations Committee made up of 2 members of the Admin Council, 2 members of the Mission Focus Team, and 5 additional members, will consider these nominees and present a final slate to the Regional Assembly for election, as set by our by-laws.
July 17 – All resolutions of importance of the Regional church are received at the Regional Office no later than 4:00 p.m., as set by our by-laws.
The Administrative Council will serve as a resolutions committee, as set by our by-laws.
Mid-August – Registration will open! Congregations will receive registration packets, promotional materials, and other Assembly information.
Before August 26 – Congregations will receive the 2024 Regional Assembly slate of nominees and any resolutions for consideration.
September 8 – Sunday Assembly Registration Promotion Begins! Promotional materials will likely include: flyers, posters, PowerPoint slides, and video!
September 15 – Second Sunday of Assembly Registration Promotion
September 22 – Third Sunday of Assembly Registration Promotion
September 29 – Last Sunday of Assembly Registration Promotion
September 30 – All registrations due to the Regional Office.
October 25 & 26 – 2024 Regional Assembly, “En El Nombre del Cielo/In the Name of Heaven” at First Christian Church, Tucson