Greetings to all in the Love of Jesus Christ:
Human beings are made for relationship. Near the very beginning of the Bible, the author of Genesis offers these words from the mouth of God: It is not good that the human being should be alone. Human beings are made for relationship. One of the hardest things about the pandemic was the sense of isolation. “It is not good” to be alone; and we WERE alone.
BUT … thanks to the wide distribution of the vaccine, we are beginning to be together again. I have enjoyed traveling to congregations, seeing many of you, and worshiping in person again. And I am especially excited that we are planning some region-wide in person events for the fall. I hope to see you at one or more of these events, details and registration links you can find throughout this E-AZ.
- August 7: Our national Disciples Virtual Gathering. This is not in person, obviously, but a chance to get a taste of what General Assembly is like for those of you who have never been. Click here to register.
- September 10-12: Disciples Women’s Retreat in Prescott. Two days of worship, fun, and celebration. Click here to register.
- September 24-26: Arizona Young Adult Gathering in Scottsdale. Click here to register.
- September 30: Congregational Pastors trip to Nogales, Mexico to bake and break bread at the border. More information will be sent to congregational pastors in the coming days. Email Rev. Pedro Ramos-Goycolea to RSVP or for additional details.
- October 2: JUNTOS: a regional gathering! This will be our first full in-person event for the entire Region, all ages welcome. In addition to worship and lunch, a bulk of our time will be spent around tables building relationships and discussing substantial questions with other Disciples from around Arizona. We are celebrating the chance to be together by forming new friendships with our siblings in Christ. Click here to register.
After more than a year of “living alone,” may our Regional Gathering be a foretaste of the day when all nations will gather together in the presence of Christ.
Dios les bendiga!
Pastor Jay
Regional Minister and President
We invite you to pray for the following congregations in the months of May and June. Visit our Regional Calendar of Weekly Prayers for our annual list.
25 – Saguaro Christian Church, Sol Food Initiatives, & Pastor Kelley Dick
1 – Community Christian Church (Marana), & Pastor Dave Hedgepeth, as they just broke ground on a new Outreach Center
8 – Alfa & Omega, & Pastors Elias Garcia, Leonela Burgos, & Julieta Vera
15 – Desert Heritage Church, a united church of UCC & DoC, & Pastor Derrick Elliot
22 – FCC Scottsdale & Pastor Jenny Wynn, celebrating their recent decision to become an Open & Affirming congregation
29 – Chalice Christian Church as they enter a time of transition & Pastor Abigail Conley (and Matt) as she accepts a call to a congregation in Nebraska