May 27, 2020
Greetings to all in the Love of Jesus Christ:
The Coronavirus continues to dominate the national news, and we grieve as it has now struck some of our Arizona congregations. We ask for your prayers for the Arizona Disciples leaders and members who have tested positive for COVID-19. We also ask for your prayers and support of all of our pastors and church leaders as they continue to navigate the conflicting information and guidance from health experts, the media, and the government. I promise you that all of our church leaders are in prayerful study and dialogue about the best way forward, and I can assure you that they all need your support.
As we continue to do our part to defeat the coronavirus, I would also remind you that we are still called to be the church in a broken and fragmented world. We, as the church, need to continue battling the evils of poverty, racism, sexism, and all the other principalities and powers that keep God’s children in bondage. That is why I would like to personally invite you to join me, other Disciples leaders from all over the U.S., and Disciples of Christ pastor, and co-chair of the Poor People’s Campaign, Rev. Dr. William Barber, in a virtual “Moral March on Washington.” Rev. Barber has become one of the strongest moral voices in the nation. Rooted in deep Christian principles, Rev. Barber and the Poor People’s Campaign seek a better world for ALL people.
The work of the church, and organizations like the Poor People’s Campaign, continues to be vital even in the midst of a pandemic. African-Americans are still being harassed and killed by white people. Powerful men are still sexually harassing women. Our national immigration system is still hopelessly broken, making it virtually impossible for most people to immigrate “legally.” And we are noticing that deaths from COVID-19 are disproportionately from black and brown communities, once again highlighting some major inequalities in our society. Now, as always, it is time for the church to speak.
Dios les bendiga!
Pastor Jay
Regional Minister and President, Christian Church in Arizona
COVID-19 Resources for Congregations
Arizona Regional Resource Page
“Healthy at Church” document from the Christian Church in Kentucky
If you would like to respond in this time by financially supporting the Pro-Reconciliation Anti-Racism work right here in Arizona and through the Reconciliation Ministries of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the United States and Canada you can give multiple ways:
- Give a special gift to your local Disciples church and note “Reconciliation Special Offering” in the memo line. This special offering is typically received in congregations late September and early October, but can be given to at any time. Your congregation will send this gift to our Disciples Reconciliation Ministry which will be used partly here in Arizona, and partly throughout Disciples ministries in the United States and Canada.
- Give online to Reconciliation Ministries via our online giving portal. Choose “Special Offering – Reconciliation Offering” to designate your offering. This gift will be shared with Reconciliation Ministries and Arizona Pro-Reconciliation and Anti-Racism efforts.
- Give by sending a check to 917 E Sheridan St. Phoenix, AZ 85006 with “Reconciliation Fund” in the memo line. The entirety of this gift will remain in Arizona for Pro-Reconciling Anti-Racism work in our communities.
We are thankful for your generosity and passion to dismantle systems and structures that perpetuate this sin of division within the Church.