Arizona Youth & Children Ministry (YCM) exists to provide Christian Education opportunities for the youth and children of the Arizona Region. Much of this is done through Retreats and Camps. Our youth volunteers from around the state come together to provide two weekends and one week a year of fellowship and fun for all three of our age groups. Children and Youth grades three through twelve have a chance to come together each Fall and Spring for the weekend retreats to discuss the themes and relate them to current events in their life and their communities. Camp gives them a week away from their day to day summer routines. It’s a chance to cool off and relax in the mountains of Prescott, to worship in nature, team build and enjoy the many activities that our staff as well as the camp provide.
Cynthia Peña
Each year the Arizona Region offers a camp experience (typically over the summer) for Arizona Disciples children and youth. These camps help support the developing faith of our young people through worship, learning, service projects, and of course lots of fun. Currently we partner with the Pacific Southwest Region for some of these opportunities at their beautiful campground, Loch Leven.
Visit our Camps page to see information on upcoming camp offerings.
Retreats & Conferences
Occasionally the Arizona Region will host, or work with a congregation to host, a retreat event for children or youth. Typically these are one or two day events.
Visit our Retreats page to see information on upcoming retreat offerings.
Regional Assembly
At our Regional Assembly there is an intentional focus to have multi-generational space as we continue to grow into intergenerational ministry. What does that mean? Children, youth, and adults are welcome at all parts of our gathering.
At most assemblies we also provide meaningful programs for children and youth during non-worship times. Visit ra.azdisciples.org for more information.
Youth Leadership Team
NOTICE: Due to our new ways of doing camp and the ongoing pandemic, the models we have used for Youth Leadership at camp have been outgrown. YLT is on sabbatical this summer. We will re-evaluate the needs of the camp, as well as the needs of the YLT during this time. We look forward to what new models of youth leadership development will come as a product of this time.
Ministries Across Generations
Ministries Across Generations Team is part of Disciples Home Missions and provides resources for all those who are looking to engage families and children in lifelong faith formation. We are ecumenical in spirit and invite all to participate in answering God’s various calls. Visit https://www.docfamiliesandchildren.org for resources and more information.
Disciples Justice for Children (resources)
A collection of resources by Disciples Home Missions for advocacy for families and children. View the resource list at discipleshomemissions.org.
Faith Formation and Christian Education Resources
A collection of resources by Disciples Home Missions for faith formation and Christian education. View the resource list at discipleshomemissions.org.
Three-day summer resource for Vacation Bible School (VBS) offering historical accounts of black experiences in America alongside biblical stories that help illustrate consideration of the following themes: freedom of Forward Toward Freedom VBS Resource culture, freedom of body, freedom of mind. View the VBS resource at discipleshomemissions.org.
General Youth Council (GYC)
The General Youth Council is made up of students and adults who are committed to youth ministry in their local congregations and regions. The purpose of the GYC is to give them opportunities to grow as future leaders of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). Read about the GYC at discipleshomemissions.org.